Marsden Cross Trust Board
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Rangihoua Heritage Park developed by the Marsden Cross Trust Board


The Marsden Cross Trust Board is an ecumenical body established in 2003. Its purpose was to acquire an historically significant piece of land situated in Rangihoua Bay in the Bay of Islands. It was in this bay in 1814 that the first European settlement in New Zealand was established. The Board has developed in Rangihoua Bay the Rangihoua Heritage Park which tells the story of that settlement.

In December 2014 the Park was opened by the Governor-General of New Zealand. Its architecturally distinctive building, Rore Kāhu, provides a place of welcome giving a panoramic view of the Park stretching down to Rangihoua Pā and Marsden Cross and across the Bay of Islands. A pilgrimage path winds down the valley from Rore Kāhu with way stations telling the story of the early Māori settlement of this land, the arrival of the first settlers, the missionaries, and the development of the mission settlement, the beginnings of Christianity in New Zealand and the rich multi-layered story of the engagement of Māori and European.The Board’s ongoing role is the management, maintenance and further development of the Park.

For an introduction to the Park visit

Rangihoua Heritage Park before development began (foreground)
Rore Kāhu at Rangihoua Heritage Park

Marsden Cross Trust Board Trustees